Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Is A Girl Like You Single?

Why is a girl like you single?

This, by far, has to be one of my least favorite interview questions on a date. Followed closely, of course by the "kids" question which we will get to at a later time I'm sure.

Why is a girl like you single?

Wow... I don't know. Way to put someone instantly on the defensive. :) Let's break it down.

Why is? --- Why ask why? Why not accept what is without necessarily asking for the origins? To ask why  implies a connotation that whatever follows ... well.... shouldn't be. If it was natural or organic, now we wouldn't ask why now would we? Hmmmmm...

A girl --- yep. Thanks to a decent roll of the chromosomal dice (more on this later)... definitely a girl. I don't mind being called a girl. I kind of like it. I'm not all uppity about being 38 and demanding bra-burning, feminist-rooted respect NOW. I like being referred to as a "girl". I am a girl. Keeps me young.

like you --- what the hell is this supposed to mean? Like me???? First off... five minutes in and you have just handed me resounding proof that I have been processed, boxed, and categorized into a nice neat little judged package. Thanks for filing me away. I wonder what else is in this dusty drawer that I now occupy up here in your brain.

SINGLE --- ahhhh.... the heart of the beast. As in alone. Not paired off. Solo. Table for one. Such a negative aftertaste when swallowed by the female ear, dripped out of the male mouth. Alone. Helplessly floating through this life tethered to no one. No anchor.

Why is a girl like you single?

yeah... doesn't always make sense to me either... so this is what i have come up with when i ask myself the same question:

Because... finally... I have come to the conclusion that I am worth more than what is currently being offered up as an excuse for a delicacy on today's menu.

Because... at times, I have made ill-based decisions and I am rewarding myself for surviving them.

Because...I come across confident and but really... I'm not. I'm just good at winging it and more than willing to live with the outcome of my decisions.

Because every man claims they want an honest, real, independent woman and not a single one has shown me that they know how to deal with... let alone keep one.

There is logic behind every thought I have, every move I make, and every word that I utter.And honestly.. I shouldn't have to explain that logic to anyone.  You either get me or you don't.  I'm not going to stalk you, rob you blind, sleep with your twin brother, steal your car, empty your checking account; or any other of these crazy things that girls do that give us regular Janes a bad name.

Why is a girl like you single? ---

Why not?